Requirements for studying in Croatia - Study in Croatia

Requirements for studying in Croatia

We have made a list of requirements for studying in Croatia that you will need to have. Generally, you can find numerous courses, graduate programs, and some of the highest-ranked universities in the world. Almost 160,000 students are currently studying in Croatia.

Undergraduate university and professional studies

Applying to an Institution of Higher Education

First, you need to register via the website Postani student is the official portal for registration and application for programs at Croatian higher education institutions. Also, you can find a lot of important information about your study on the website The list below contains the most important information available on that website.

About State Matura

The first condition on the list of Requirements for studying in Croatia is the state matura. Nationwide leaving exams (državna matura) were introduced for gymnasium students in the school year 2009–2010. There are three compulsory subjects: Croatian language, Mathematics, and a foreign language (English, German, Italian, Spanish or French). Classical gymnasium students are also able to choose Latin or Ancient Greek instead of or in addition to a modern foreign language. The optional subjects will be Geography, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Computer science, History, Music, Visual arts, Ethics, Religious studies, Philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, Politics, and Logics.

The compulsory subjects are also available at a basic or extended level with 1 point of the extended level exam being worth 1.6 points of the basic level exam. Points of the basic level are converted into points of the extended level by dividing them by 1.6, so a student achieving 100/100 points in the basic exam, in the end, will only be given 62.5 points (100/1.6). The extended level offers the possibility of achieving 100 points but carries the risk of gaining a lower result due to the elevated difficulty level.

Students receive their exams in sealed opaque silver bags. They are required to open the bags (usually done by piercing the top of sealed bags with a pen and opening them like a bag of potato chips). Inside the bag, they get the exam booklet, piece of paper for marking the answers (only answers written on this piece of paper are graded), a concept booklet, a piece of paper with stickers which contain a barcode and need to be glued on everything of the aforementioned prior to the beginning of exam, including a new bag, in which everything is put and the bag sealed up at the end of the exam, with the bags then sent to NCVVO.

The answers to the exams are publicly available two days after the exam. Examinees can complain about individual questions/answers after the early results are in, about a week before the final results. This resulted in 7 questions being canceled in the 2012 Croatian Matura exam, with examinees getting all the points due to possible multiple interpretations of the source text and the indiscrimination by the examinees shown by psychometric analysis.

More info: Wikipedia

Results of State Matura

The state matura is the most important part of the process for applying to an Institution of Higher Education. The reason is that most of the points you can achieve you will get through this exam. The only exceptions are some special studies (such as the study of architecture in Zagreb) where you get 20% of points from high school grades, 30% from the results of the state matura exam, and 50% from the additional exam at the university.

The exams are prepared by the Croatian National Centre for External Evaluation of Education in cooperation with schools and other public institutions involved in the implementation of the state matura exam. The state matura exams are taken at the same time in all schools, with the same examination materials.Therefore, we have results that are comparable to each other, which makes the selection process for enrollment in higher education more fair and transparent.

You will receive the results of all tests of State Matura through the Postani student portal.

Grades from previous education

Students can enroll in higher education institutions following an admissions procedure which usually involves an evaluation of candidates’ grades from their previous education.

Special knowledge, skills or abilities

The Requirements for studying in Croatia are usually only the state matura and high school grades, but there are exceptions. Only some higher education institutions require candidates to pass additional exams. These exams for graduate and postgraduate studies in Croatia are managed by higher education institutions. As I mentioned earlier, one of the examples of this exam is the study of architecture.

Graduate studies

Students who have completed relevant undergraduate study may enroll in graduate study. Higher education institutions determine which undergraduate studies are relevant for enrollment in each graduate study, as well as the conditions for enrollment of candidates. If you have completed a professional study, you can enroll in a graduate study if the higher education institution allows it. You will also need to take additional courses and exams to enroll.

Postgraduate studies

Admissions to graduate and postgraduate studies in Croatia are managed by higher education institutions. Applications will be submitted directly to higher education institutions. All information regarding the application process, deadlines, and application documents can be found at the faculty.

Requirements for studying in Croatia – Exchange programmes

Students who are citizens of EU member states can enroll in study programs under the same conditions as Croatian citizens.

Foreign citizens are required to pass a standardized Croatian language test at level B2 (citizens of EU Member States and citizens of third countries) before enrolling in the first or second year of undergraduate or graduate study. The tests are held in Zagreb. The instructions for applying for the Croatian language exam at the B2 level can be found at Postani Student website or Nacionalni centar za vanjsko vrednovanje obrazovanja.

Study in Croatia Guide

I hope you have learned enough information about the requirements for studying in Croatia. First of all, studying abroad is an exotic that would be hard to decide. However, getting to know a new culture and new people, teaching in another language are just some of the advantages. Given the rich history, architecture, social life, etc., Croatia is becoming more and more interesting to foreign students. You will find more information by reading the Study in Croatia Guide.

Source: (19.01.2021.)

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