Average salaries of foreign workers in Croatia in 2022

Average salaries of foreign workers in Croatia in 2022

In the first four months, MORE than 7,000 companies requested the opinion of the Employment Bureau to allow them to employ almost 50,000 foreigners in three hundred different occupations, writes Večernji list. The average salaries of foreign workers in Croatia depend mostly on the sector, while the greatest demand for foreign workers is in the construction and tourism sectors.

100 thousand foreigners in Croatia

According to the Ministry of the Interior, about 84,000 foreigners temporarily stayed in Croatia in April, while about 10,000 have permanent residence – a total of almost 100,000 foreigners, mostly from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, Northern Macedonia, Albania, Ukraine, China, Nepal, India, and the Philippines.

Foreigners mainly work in construction, tourism and catering, and the metal industry

The jobs that these people employ are traditionally in short supply and are related to construction, tourism and catering, and the metal industry. Domestic companies sought the green light from the Croatian Employment Service to employ more than 3,000 high-rise construction workers and waiters and chefs.

The average gross salary for foreigners is between 4900 and 6250 kn

Between 2,300 and 3,000 requests were for assistant cooks, maids, cooks, and masons. Between 1,000 and 2,000 requests were for welders, locksmiths, facades, assistant waiters, and cleaners. The Employment Service states that the average gross salary of the requested foreign workers ranged from the lowest HRK 4,900 for bakeries to the highest HRK 6,251 for chefs.

Average salaries of foreign workers in Croatia

20 percent of the gross salary is deducted for the pension contribution and income tax and surtax if the foreigner does not have personal allowances for dependent children. The net salary for a young foreigner without dependent family members ranges from 4,000 to 4,800 kuna. According to official data, the construction sector has an average net salary of around 6,000 kunas, and it is similar to tourism and catering. The best-paid skilled workers have gross salaries ranging from 7,100 to 7,600 kunas, and the union says the gross salaries offered by employers to foreigners largely correspond to their actual earnings.

The average monthly gross earnings per person in Croatia

The average monthly gross earnings per person in paid employment in legal entities in the Republic of Croatia in 2021 amounted to HRK 9,599. This data shows that the average salaries of foreign workers in Croatia are generally paid much less than the Croatian average.

About 15,000 workers are missing in tourism

Currently, only in activity 55, it refers only to accommodation, there are about 10,000 people who should come or be employed for this tourist year, while in sector 56 (restaurants, other accompanying services) there are another 5,000 people. So, about 15 thousand workers for this tourist year.

How to find a job in Croatia as a foreigner?

One of the easiest ways to find a job in this sector is through the Sezonac.hr website. The virtual job fair is available 0-24. More precisely, you can access the content of the Fair via all devices (computers, tablets, mobile phones). In general, if you are unemployed, the easiest way to find a job in Croatia is through the portal of the Croatian Employment Service. Find all other information in the article.

Latest Economy News

I hope you got enough information by reading the article “Average salaries of foreign workers in Croatia in 2022″. Find the most interesting articles related to this topic below.

1. https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/tisuce-hrvatskih-tvrtki-traze-zaposljavanje-50000-stranaca-evo-kolike-place-nude/2363712.aspx
2. https://narodne-novine.nn.hr/clanci/sluzbeni/2022_02_23_295.html
3. https://www.vecernji.hr/vijesti/vise-od-7000-hrvatskih-tvrtki-zatrazilo-zaposljavanje-50-000-stranaca-evo-kolike-im-place-nude-1585849
4. https://www.index.hr/vijesti/clanak/u-turizmu-fali-15ak-tisuca-radnika-danas-zavrse-skolu-sutra-ce-dobiti-posao/2364630.aspx

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