Catherine the Great exibition

Catherine the Great exhibition has opened in the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery

At least once in your life, you must have heard about one of the most powerful women in history. She is the Russian Emperor Catherine the Great (1729-1796).  The exhibition about Catherine’s life has opened in the Klovićevi Dvori Gallery. Catherine the Great exhibition was created on the occasion of marking the 50th anniversary of St. Peterburg and Zagreb city friendships.

Catherine the Great exibition
Catherine the Great exibition

Masterpieces from the Hermitage

There are more than 1,000 exhibits at the exhibition. You will find interesting things about Catherine’s life and arrival in Russia and on the throne. It will be able to find out about its great role in education and enlightenment and foreign policy. Also, about the wars, she has led, and will primarily be able to feel the boom of passion for art.

Catherine the Great exibition
Catherine the Great exibition

The most powerful ruler in Europe?

Her name today is synonymous with power and strength. Catherine the Great above all wanted the Russians to know and love their country, their culture, their language. That is why she has started with numerous reforms. Some of the reforms are editing laws, management systems, education, industry, and trade. She also protected art and science.

Catherine the Great exibition
Catherine the Great exibition

Catherine the Great exhibition brings life to the gold and glamour

Elegance and refinement are the main features of European fashion in the age of rococo. At that time, the most widespread dam dress was Robe à la française. Catherine the Great was the first of Russian rulers who realized that introducing some elements of traditional clothing into ceremonial clothing could support her power. This becomes evident already during the coup d’etat, when Catherine, setting out against her own husband, did not wear the military uniform of Prussian type, but the old guard uniform, which ensured her passionate support from the guardsmen.

Catherine the Great exibition
Robe à la française Russia
Catherine the Great exibition

Treasures of Imperial Russia

The Hermitage of her Imperial Majestry was named like that as an isolated place for parties and feasts of Catherine II. We can say that Hermitage is entirely her creation, because the foundations and the layout, the selection and diversity of objects in it, external and internal refinement, everything was made according to her tastes and orders.

Catherine the Great exibition
Catherine the Great exibition
Old chess table Russia, elegant wooden chess
Old antique globus from Russia
Gold decoration from Russia
Catherine the Great exibition
Russian old working table
Catherine the Great exibition
Russian decorations figure
Painting of battles with burning ships
Katarina Velika Carica svih Rusa

Last, if you are currently in Zagreb don’t miss this opportunity to visit Catherine the Great Exhibition. Actually, this event is one of the best that will be held this year. More information about Catherine the Great exhibition finds here. The exhibition will last until the end of July 2018.

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