Ryanair plans to restore 40% of flights from July 1

Ryanair plans to restore 40% of flights from July 1, 2020

Finally, positive news arrives from the aviation industry. Ryanair plans to restore 40% of flights from July 1, 2020. Ryanair will operate nearly a thousand flights a day, returning 90 percent of its routes it flew before the coronavirus restrictions. Since restrictions on Covid-19 were introduced in mid-March, Ryanair has operated 30 flights a day between Ireland, the UK, and Europe. But, there is one condition. They demand that government restrictions on flights within the European Union be lifted. They also demand that effective health rules be applied at all airports.

New rules at airports and airplanes

  • Online Check-in
  • Downloading a boarding pass on a smartphone
  • A body temperature check at the airport entrance
  • It is necessary to wear a protective mask at the airport and in the aircraft
  • Queues for the toilet will be banned during flights (If they want to use it, passengers will have to request access from crew members)
  • Ryanair will ask its passengers for details of how long they plan to be at their destination, as well as the address where they will be staying
  • The interior surfaces of the aircraft will be disinfected every night and this works for 24 hours

Flights from July 1 without social distancing

Among all the above rules, it is interesting that there is no social distance of 2 meters. Ryanair has announced that it will try to sell as many seats as possible this summer. Very interesting is the statement by Ryanair boss Michael O’Leary, who said last month that leaving the middle seat to help social distance is “idiotic”. First of all, airlines would lose a lot of money by deciding to leave the middle seat empty. That decision would also lead to a drastic increase in the price of plane tickets. Because of all this, it is very likely that flights from July 1 will be without social distancing.

Start planning summer 2020

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https://novac.jutarnji.hr/restart-biznis/popularni-niskobudzetni-avioprijevoznik-od-srpnja-bi-mogao-vratiti-40-posto-letova/10299547/ (13.05.2020.)
https://www.bbc.com/news/business-52629644 (13.05.2020.)

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