Restaurant BEPA! Split

BEPA! is a restaurant that combines fish with modern fast food

Restaurant BEPA! is located close to the center of the city Split. More precisely at the People’s Square, which is called Pjaca among the local population. This square has been a meeting and gathering place in the past. It’s the same today when it’s filled with many bars, restaurants, and shops. One of these restaurants is BEPA! which is not primarily a classic restaurant, it is a street food restaurant.

Restaurant BEPA! Split

Bepa! offer

The restaurant’s offer is based on the traditional cuisine of Mediterranean taverns, trying to connect traditionally and creatively. Moreover, the main feature of this restaurant is to combine fish with modern fast food. That means you will have the opportunity to try a tuna burger or sesame tuna salad. Also, they have in the menu sardines and octopus. My recommendation is to try the Mediterranean Grilled Seabass.

French breakfast omelette with small tomato

This is the place for a quick breakfast

My favorite time to visit this place is definitely through the morning. While the city is still awake, during the morning the square is partially empty. This is the main reason why to sit on the terrace and to drink the first coffee of the day. For those who want to have breakfast, the offer also includes Omelet du Bepa, Breakfast Burger, Poached a la Avocado and Pancakes.

Restaurant BEPA! Split

The blueberry pie is a must for dessert

There are also home-made desserts such as blueberry pie, la bombaaaaa, cheesecake and an ice-cream sandwich. The offer in this restaurant is changing every tourist season. During the summer you will have the chance to try some of the popular cocktails while in the winter mulled wine and other Advent specialties.

Restaurant BEPA! Split

The design of the restaurant follows the design of traditional taverns. That’s the reason why they are using wooden chairs and tables. Also, much effort has been invested in branding. We were also surprised by the innovative ordering via a tablet. The biggest criticism of this restaurant going to the relatively small tables as well as the very small space inside the building.

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